Select your font from its location on your Mac.In the app, select the ‘plus’ icon on the top of the main window.Now that we’ve downloaded and unzipped our font, here’s how to add a font to Font Book: It’s a zip file, so when it’s in your downloads folder, unzip it. So, this is how to download fonts - simply click that, and the font family will download to your Mac.

On Google Fonts, each font has a download option on the top right of its page. We’ve chosen to use Google’s own font, Roboto, for this exercise. Navigating to Google Fonts shows you all the fonts that are great for use on the web, and it’s a good repository for downloading fonts you want to use for Word. To download fonts to Word, we need to have fonts in Font Book, and we need to first locate a font our Mac doesn’t have. It’s also where you add fonts to your Mac – but first, let’s get a font! Fonts on your Mac live in the Font Book, a built-in app Apple added to macOS to manage fonts for your Mac.